Wednesday, September 27, 2006

.: conversations on the go :.

i was in the car with a collegue, S, who was kind enough to send me home. he was an indian national up till about 15 years ago & still goes back annually. had an interesting conversation - talked about many things; Singapore, India etc etc(the journey from buona vista to simei isnt exactly short, if you know what i mean. put in the heavy traffic during peak hours & u get an hour's journey). I have decided to 'document' excerpts of the conversation in the next few blogs, insya allah. here's the first one:

conversation 1:

S: You know, while i was living at xyz road across the c _ _ _ _ _, a lot of them would come to the hawker centres on Sunday & preach.

me: really? i've never experienced this even though i stay next to c _ _ _ _ _ _

S: yeah! and they can be very agressive. I mean, if your religion is so good, you dont have to go all the way out. People will naturally be attracted to it

point taken. it is true isn't it? the truth is obvious & people would be naturally inclined to it. Islam is a beautiful religion because it strives on bringing about the best character in its believers and mankind as a whole. It is not mere philosophy nor mere rituals.

"And verily, you (o Muhammad) are on an exalted standard of character. You will see & they will see."
(Al Qalam 68:4-5)

The Prophet was an epitome of best character. He was sent as a mercy to mankind. He is the best examplar.

Maybe, if we follow him a little, wee bit, the world would be a more beautiful place.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

.: butter bun:.

its a wonderful morning for me, coz it was raining...and i had a wonderful breakfast. masya allah. i bought prawn sambal bun sbb mcm nak makan something pedas, even though ,my maid dah pack-kan (rosak bahasa: eng+malay) roti & home-made strawberry jam (my mum made it). sekali, the baker asked, " u want butter bun? just baked, very nice). i mula-mula 'eksyen' tak nak, sekali my friend beli & i saw it. it looks so 'damn' good (i actually think this is an oxymoron). all faculty of reasoning (e.g. its super-fattening) failed. I bought it, & i am glad i did!!!

it is hot roti (bread/bun), with melted butter cream inside and sugar powder topping on the outside. the roti is fluffy, and there is a hole in the middle, and u can see the melted butter. upon biting, the butter oozes out, and u start eating like a child, messy. It was creamy with a tinge of sweetness. masya allah, what a beautiful breakfast experience. nikmat...subhanallah

And there are on earth [many] tracts of land close by one another [and yet widely differing from one another; and [there are on it] vinyards, and fields of grain, and date-palms growing in clusters from one root or standing alone,[all] watered with the same water: and yet, some of them have We favoured above others by way of the food [which they provide for man and beast]. Verily, in all this there are messages indeed for people who use their reason!

we have been given so much blessings...uncountable really...maybe it is time i should TRY counting them everyday...

small, simple things like the butter bun, makes me happy =) i havent stopped smiling

Saturday, September 02, 2006


i've been wanting to get a creative muvo slim. i called creative headquarters a few months ago, no longer in production. went to the comex IT fair yesterday, with the hope of getting one. to my dismay, "Sorry, we dont sell it anymore". eyes cast down, i called blossom to inform her of the disappointing news. walking aimlessly at the fair, i saw a laptop bag i really liked, couldnt decide to be practical (all black) or be spontaneous (I really liked the green & black one). Took almost half an hour and finally decided on the green (so much for just wanting to check out the mp3 players ONLY).

Blossom called in-between to say that she happened to spot a brand new MUVO SLIM (PINK!!!!) on e-bay selling for $90! Unbelievable (although its a 512 mb aje lah, instead of the 1gb i wanted)!!!

sms-ed the guy when i reached home, and he called. so, here's an account of the bargain:

Mr Muvo Slim (MMS): hi...

Me: hello..yeah, my friend called earlier. i am interested in the Muvo slim. whats the lowest price u would sell it for?

MMS: hhhmmm, actually...the price i quoted on the web is the price i want lah plus i can deliver to you, anywhere in singapore. ok, why dont u tell me how much u are willing to pay for it??

Me: $50?? *meekly, coz this is a brand new, unopened pink-coloured pink muvo slim i am talking to think of it, maybe i shouldve been more adamant. oh well*

MMS: $50???!!!! * melampau lah pulak marlina ni!!!!*

Me: ok-ok, $70?? *by this time, my adrenaline was rushing*

MMS: $80??

Me: $75?

MMS: *laughs* ok lah

Me: mouth gaping...*keep your voice cool, marlina* ok, great

made arrangements to meet for the exchange today.

the muvo slim is lying next to me right now. its pretty in pink.

masya allah.

disclaimer: the account above is an excerpt of the conversation, which has been aptly summarised so that this entry wont run for pages. it may not be the exact words but indeed as close a resemblance it could get to the real conversation. it is also good to note that this is the first time i bought anything, anything at all from e-bay. what an experience.

ps: thank you, blossom =)