Friday, June 15, 2007

.: reminder :.

I have been sharing with my close colleagues about Islam; halal food, solat, fasting month, hari raya, modest dressing, stand on certain issues…and etc

And so, I’ve realised that maybe I have been too effective in my sharing.

You see, I was wearing blouse and pants yesterday. And my non-muslim colleague went, “ marlina, I think this baju a bit wrong – show off your figure”

That disturbed me. What led her to say what she said? I thought about it yesterday. I thought about it today.

1. I don’t think the blouse is super sexy
2. Maybe it is because I always wear something loose/long to work.
3. I don’t have much of a figure (but that’s besides the point)

I asked her again today just to clarify & be doubly sure (amounting to a decision as to whether I need to give that currently-one-of-my-favourite-blouses of mine away)

Me: Yesterday, my baju really a bit wrong ah?

She: I think it was the tudung. Not like today.

Me: But yesterday’s tudung and today’s tudung is the same size mah!

She: hhhmmmmm. I think yesterday you pinned it wrongly. That’s why never cover properly.

Me: ok.

I smiled. I don’t have to give away the blouse. And yes, even a non-muslim can be a wonderful reminder.