Friday, June 02, 2006


the rebutia entry triggered some memories; memories of my student days, which though is not too long ago (july marks a year's anniversary) is a Life-Phase away...

reflecting on the difference between the vibrance of knowledge seeking (in school setting) and the realities of working life....i've realised, eversince i started working proper 6 months ago, that one is most free when one is a full time student..i know most of the CURRENT students would beg (profusely) to differ on this but just think about it..

when else would you have the luxury to attend a two hour lecture physically and not mentally (this happens especially when there is an upcoming camp and you are part of the organising committee; worse, if you are the chairman)?? when else can you spend HOURS in the library, reading up on things that interest you while trying to find relevant books for your assignment?? when else can you engage with your fellow coursemates and lecturers, for the pure joy of seeking knowledge, and knowing that they too want the same - no, not only the 'A' grade but SOCIAL JUSTICE?

I enjoyed my years studying in uni tremendously (note: the enjoyment may wane a little during exam periods)...not that i do not enjoy work or that it is terribly arduous..just that the possibilities laid out for a student (yes, that 4 months-loooooong holiday can do a lot of things; humanitarian relief, overseas training, serious self reflection, catching up on other things or people who mean a lot to you, like your family)seems to be more than that for the working adult..possibly because, students are fuelled with youthful idealism, enthusiasm and energy compared to the working adult who spends eight to twelve hours in the office and then, has little energy left to do much after work..

" we need spirited, energetic & strong young people whose hearts are filled with life, enthusiasm, zeal & dynamism; whose souls are full of ambition, spark within you." -muhammad iqbal

may allah swt give me, and my teman - teman seperjuangan, the strength, patience and istiqamah to continue in our efforts to further His Cause with much creativity and enthusiasm...ameen

disclaimer: while student life should be the most embraced, studying should not be an end in itself, but a means towards achieving a higher purpose, that is to seek mardhatillah...wallahu 'alam


madame blossom said...
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madame blossom said...

sorry eh.. tak boleh edit comment pulak..

.. and then, after marriage, the task of finding time is even more challenging.

Not scaring you off marriage lah. If you can find someone 'sekufu' yang share the same passion in seeking knowledge and doing the good works, then insyaAllah, it'll be easier.

When there's a will, Allah SWT will make the way easy for you. InsyaAllah. Ameen.