26th december 2006. in the car. about 4 a.m.
hazirah: mak busu (youngest aunt), i guess you are going to be our "temporary mother" for now.
me: yeah, i guess so. for one month only.
that was part of a conversation between me and my niece and nephews, during our ride home from the airport, after sending their parents off for hajj - leaving four children in our charge (my bro lives next door so my new found role was a "by-default" one.)
so, that partially explains why i havent been blogging, on top of work, meetings, camps etc and mere "belum-tangkap-mood-ness"(at the rate i am spoiling the bahasa, my sasterawan-uncle would be gravely disappointed).
Being a temporary mother has been rather enjoyable, with its ups and down but i still cant wait for my bro and sis-in-law to come back (this coming tuesday), so that i can tell them rightaway, " you can have your children back." as much as my niece and nephews are smart, intelligent, adorable and totally lovable and huggable...ehem...well, they miss their parents. heh, more like mak busu longing for the time she doesnt have to rush off at 6pm sharp to go home and see to the children's homework and school administrative stuff (i think ive become an expert signing forms, writing letters/sms-ing to teachers and speaking to vice-principals and HODs).
i have since realised that juggling work and family is no mean feat so a new-found-higher (super higher) level of respect to all working mothers. hopefully, by the time i have children i can be a full time home maker who runs some sort of business to supplement the family's income. the business should, by the way, be something i truly enjoy and would benefit the ummah, in one way or another. (hhmmm, social enterprise?)
by the way, while the parents were away on hajj, my nephews decided to fall more than usual and get themselves stitched. hakim had seven stitches on his head a day before his parents went off (and a week before he starts primary one) while hazim just got 4 stitches on his lips last week (my mum's call sent me scurrying to KKH at 4.30pm - grateful for having an understanding boss). getting him to agree to a local anaesthesia (on his lips!!!) was a tricky matter but i quite enjoy seeing him being stitched - no, i am not a sadist, just that ive always been attracted to the medical profession. i havent took a picture of his swollen lips - maybe later tonight.
they are both fine now. alhamdulillah. quite proud of themselves really, comparing the number of stitches.
i will miss the children, and their constant presence around me (yes, i bring them to meetings sometimes since my mum cant cope with all 5 at home), their voice on the phone in the middle of the day, "mak busu, what time are you coming home?", and them running to me (either delighted to see me or to complain on the other bro who doesnt wish to share his toys etc - would miss the former more than the latter) when i come home from work all tired and exhausted.
but i think i am more than glad to take the "mother" hat off for now.
children are great responsibilities. potentials to be unleashed, guided they must be.
may they grow up to be good muslims, serving the community for the sake of allah, insya allah.
.: counting days :.
salams sis dear,
wow! what a great task that is .. hmmph, but gladly knowing that you were coping well .. Alhamdulillah, thanks to Allah for He have given you the strength, ability and assistance in the given tasks.
Can see that you r one ready to be-mother, insyaAllah .. Hee! Alright, that's for now and take care sis dear!
maka dengan ini, di saat ini, saya declare kan yang awak telah pun di lulutkan jawatan temporary mum.
So da boleh campak rotan hooray2?
oh you don't use the rotan? bagus you ni. :)
anyway, i think you did a good job. In fact i think u do a good job all the time. you make a fun mother.
lulut? more like lucut...hehe
really glad that my bro and sis-in-law are back from hajj...it was a good experience taking care of the children.
a sneak preview of what working and being a mother is like.
lucut? i knew there was something wrong with that word.
but kalau tak cuba, tak bljr kan.. :)
ilal liqa
nak congrats gak kat marlina..hmm, so camana ngan budak kecik yg berbalut kepala tu? mak ayah dia tak tanya pape ke? did ur answer satisfy them?
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