poignant and profound, i'm delightfully lost in the world of melodious rhymes. just sharing with you my favourite lines thus far (i am only at page....70?).
The home we seek is in eternity;
The Truth we seek is like a shoreless sea,
Of which your paradise is but a drop.
This ocean can be yours;why should you stop
Beguiled by dreams of evanescent dew?
The secrets of the sun are yours, but you
Content yourself with motes trapped in its beams.
Turn to what truly lives, reject what seems -
Which matters more, the body or the soul?
Be whole: desire and journey to the Whole.
- The Conference of the Birds -
now, if only i have the time to sit at coffee bean with a friend and do a recital of the book...madame blossom? anyone?
Recital huh?It'd be longer and far more deeper than a coffee session.
Kau belanja kan kan kan? Grande hor!
Also..aku suka verse tu sebab ada mention of me,'evanescent dew'.Hehe.
(Ok, I know you'd be rolling your eyes and giving me that look!Not you,Marl. You YOU!)
I heard there was a gathering every Tuesdays for about 2 years reciting and discussing this book right here in Singapore!
Nice... you will find so many gems along the way in this Conference of the Birds.
:) looking forward to the recital! i shall bring a video cam..... a live band, perhaps? cools
ok ok set!! bila?
..and i forgot.. which means i have to get the book also!
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