Monday, October 02, 2006

.: soon :.

i have been blessed to have a friend, blossom, who in turn has been blessed with a car of her own (yes, she does not share it with her husband) kind is she to chauffeur us around should we want to go to the same place or happened to be in the same area (you get the drift)...and of course, i enjoy my time with her for do we not only share laughter, but tears and thoughts as well...obviously, i was excited that we were finally gonna meet after what seems like ages (ok, it was roughly two weeks)...anyways, an email asking her what time she would be coming to fetch me, turned into a simple poem which she thought i should, here's the 2 mins or so worth of word play...
* * * * *
i will see you...

i will talk to you...
i will laugh with you...
may never come...
is not guaranteed...
is not our right...

unless God wills it...
insya allah
* * * * *
yup, in my haste to meet her, i suddenly remembered that i may not live the next second if God wills it so. we all have our own appointed times. we just dont know when. death, though, is guaranteed.


madame blossom said...

=D =D =D (tersengih sengih)

yup.. i LOVE that 2 min poem. even though it's on your blog, I'm still going to share it on my blog.. muahahahaha..

cause that poem almost made me cry. It overwhelmed me for a few seconds. After that I just love it.

marlina said...

tak abis tersengih - sengih...

=D glad u love it...what is good comes from Allah & what is bad comes from my own weakness...

anyway, i used to write short 1-2 liners when i was in

the rain is


& so am i.

=D if u know me well enough, it would entail a different meaning.

| nur hafizah | said...

i love that poem too .. it has a deeper meaning if you were to ponder abt it.

anyway, i just wanna drop by to say ... I miss u n blossom very much.

Love u sis!

madame blossom said...

ted, we all miss each other darling.. :)

pink.. "rain is falling, heavy.. & so am I" - i see the literal meaning.. khge..kghe.kghe..........h.......h......h..... *siiiiiiigh*

marlina said...

thanks teddie & blossom...

yup, agreed that we all miss each other especially because we've been busy & unable to catch up (pulak tu i skipped class last sat).

can always keep each other in our prayers, that we maximise this ramadhan and continue to cherish it...