.: rain on ledang:.
i love rain. i sincerely do. rain can brighten up my mood instantly. i am in fact more productive at school and at work when it is raining.
then, i realised, well, not always. not when i am carrying a WET bag of capacity 60+10l, with WET heavy clothes, wearing WET socks in WET boots, trekking down ledang, from base camp at kolam ayer gajah to the resort, at NIGHT. That itself almost took 6 whole hours, by the end of which, i was totally exhausted (i walk weird now)
oh yes, to the horror of my mom (who thinks that mountains should not be climbed during the rainy season - i shouldve heeded her warning), i climbed gunung ledang on the 15-16th december (more like 17th coz we were stuck there for sometime) with 12 others. part of fmsa programme for the out of school youth/youth at risk.
learnt a lot from the trip like the fact that i am not as fit as i used to be (i promised myself that i will start my jogging/sports routine again - there was a time i can jog to bedok reservoir from my home in simei without stopping even for a mere moment). of course more importantly, got to know the youth better. well, when you've climbed 1,276 m together in gruelling weather, all defences are down and sharing opinions, feelings and thoughts (which could be quite hard for the youth in normal circumstances) was an easy feat. we talked about love, life
and ...
oh, of course there's the perk of taking pictures with my VERY OWN panasonic lumix. blossom blogged about my purchase at sim lim square(the night before i went to ledang - i brought the manual up ledang but was too exhausted to read) so you may want to read http://withinmyneurons.blogspot.com/ ...
well, i didnt have the time to fully explore the functions of the camera but got excited using the zoom (12x optical zoom) and the macro mode (makes the tiniest flowers on the ground look oh so pretty)...also VERY grateful that the camera bag was shock and water resistant. took a total of 306 pics. the scenery from the summit was blocked by the rain and fog (hujan & bidai/kabus). one of the youth, described it aptly, "kak, ni macam scene dari mimpi-mimpi." (trans. kak, this looks like a scene from dreams)
close to nature, away from the busy-ness of town,it was a good time to reflect and ponder. the greatness of Allah who has created all.
and yes, i still love rain.
below, a picture of leaves on ledang grounds. a brief reflection.
For, with Him are the keys to the things that are beyond the reach of a created being's perception: none knows them but He. And He knows all that is on land and in the sea; and not a leaf falls but He knows it; and neither is there a grain in the earth's deep darkness, nor anything: living or dead,
but is recorded in [His] clear decree.
surah al-an'am 6:59
Salams Sis. Yup I read about your camera purchase on blossom's blog earlier. I'm sure it takes great pictures.
Oh yeah. I love rain too.
ah yes, a fellow rain-lover.
thanks for dropping by. love the lumix. will be uploading the ledang pics soon. it has been a hectic week, "zipping" around.
i like that dead leaves shot. sometimes, we overlook such things.
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