Thursday, February 28, 2008

our parents

This week, two of my friends’ mum passed away within a span of three days. One, I had the chance to visit and witness the enshrouding of kain kapan.

I was reminded of my parents whom have given me and my siblings (and now, their grandchildren) so much – bersengkang mata and berikat perut to bring us up, even to pawn some of my mum’s jewellery when they couldn’t make ends meet -and the immense love, joy and stability they’ve institutionalised in the family (they don’t believe in corporal punishment so, creative methods of tying the brothers at different pillars of the kampong house was engaged instead)

They are in their sixties now. My dad is no longer as stoic as I remembered him to be when I was growing up. My mum, with her osteoarthritis cannot move about easily. Both are frail. But both still cannot help but be self-sacrificial. Just mention that you want to eat your favourite food and it’d be whipped up almost instantly, despite their aching legs and tired limbs.

Yet. In the busy – ness of my life at work and the irony of being active on various dakwah platforms, I often forget. I often forget that they too need our love and attention.

I need to

Spend more time at home.
Try to fulfil their needs and wants. (if not now, when else)
To always keep them in my prayers.
And to continue to do good.

It is not only our salvation we are after, but theirs as well. We all want to go to heaven together, don’t we?

May Allah have mercy on me and my loved ones in life and in death, in this world and the hereafter.
* * * * *

Rabbighfirli wali walidayya warhamhuma kamaa rabbayani saghirah...

Ya Allah Ya Tuhan kami kami, Ampun kanlah dosa kami
Ampunkanlah dosa kedua orang tua kami
Peliharalah mereka, (sayangilah mereka, rahmatilah mereka, jagalah mereka)
sepertimana mereka telah memelihara kami (menyayangi kami, mengasihani
kami) sewaktu kami kecil

Monday, February 25, 2008

The Muslim Youth Pledge

I thought that this pledge deserves an entry on its own.... =)
The Muslim Youth Pledge

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
We bear witness that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger.We acknowledge that the purpose of our lives is none but to worship Allah and our intended role on this earth is as His Khalifah.Thus, we, the Muslim Youth of Today, do hereby pledge that we will strive to do all we can to uphold this responsibility and make this world a better place for all creations.We believe there is hope for the future and we seek Allah’s guidance in realising that hope!
pledge penned down by dew embun, and endorsed, argued about, commented by fellow brothers and sisters =)

Thursday, February 21, 2008


I need to exercise!!! Feeling lethargic and having backaches from a lack of it. Heavy. So heavy.

Doesnt help that i used to feel light (and thus how i know how it feels like) because my fitness regime back in JC was:

a. at least a 2.4 km run EVERYDAY

b. 100 sit ups EVERYDAY

c. 20 push ups SOMETIMES (i HATE push ups)

of course, then, i had softball and hockey training back to back, EVERYDAY. (warning: those taking your a levels, do not, i repeat, do not attempt at playing everyday and NOT studying much)

can u imagine???? everyday!

yeah, those times when i could eat and eat and eat and not put on any weight. and then, there's the correlation between metabolism rate and age (i am getting older - some are rolling their eyes, i know).

come on, people! Lets exercise!!! Lagipun, a strong mukmin is better than a weak one, right?

too ambitious, we shant be. lets start with the stairs. and the aerobics/ kick boxing. and the briskwalking. and ....

awe and inspiration....

Recovering from post-camp exhaustion, attributed to sleepless nights and a mad rush…But fired nonetheless…

Building Resilient Muslim Youth Camp 16 – 18 feb 08.

“Goose bumps…are the bumps on a person's skin at the base of body hairs which involuntarily develop when a person is cold or experiences STRONG EMOTIONS such as fear or AWE, or captures the essence of a unique experience.”

Happened to me quite a bit during the camp. I believe I was in AWE.

I was in AWE of my younger brothers and sisters’ energy, enthusiasm and earnestness in seeking knowledge; their spirit to know more about Islam, and about themselves.

I was in AWE of the facilitators’ dedication and zeal to guide their younger brothers and sisters thru. ¾ of the facilitators turned up for a pre-camp overnight session at masjid ahmad, despite being called for at the last minute. And they kept their eyes open and minds engaged as we thrashed out the topics (and thrash we did) late into the night.

I was in AWE of how He had weaved in the hearts of strangers, love for each other, in our journey to seek His Blessings, His Mardhatillah.

I was in AWE at how He has kept us together, despite our obvious differences (kadang-kadang sampai gaduh–gaduh). May He not take away the nikmat of being those whom were given the opportunity to carry out His Word.

I was in AWE of His Miracles, His Help. I had my doubts. Many a time, I thought the camp won’t be successful judging from our lack in preparation. But He has always proven me wrong – teaching me again and again that…

Success is not borne out of our efforts. But PURELY out of His Will.

To my darling group members
Farah, Wani, Aisyah, Nadiah, Arini, Syafiqah, Fazliah… I have learnt much from you. More than you ever know. Thank you for opening a moment of your lives to me.

My younger brothers and sisters reminded me of the youth’ idealism at striving for perfection. An idealism that has been more often now, been clouded with realism of the working world. You have no idea how much I draw my strength from all of you.

To my dearest facis
You were God-sent. My angels. May your limbs be witnesses of the good you have done in His Cause in the hereafter. May Allah reward you generously. One asked for inspiring words from me (i almost forgot i said them - it was months before and i didnt think it was much of an inspiration) when in fact all of you were my inspiration.

And for all that, Thank you.

oh, and thank you for showing project zip! video - i almost forgot my experience - gives me a sense of nostalgia and hope.

May Allah gives me the strength, patience and istiqamah to continue doing His Work.

For Pictures and Videos...please visit

Monday, February 11, 2008

zoned out

do u get those moments when you just "zone out" to dunno-where-in-space? those moments when your body does something but your mind is not tuned?

today, i typed,"call" instead of "cold." "go home" instead of "to meet".

and a whole load of "wrongs" when typing emails, keying in sms-es. i had to re-read everything i typed and keyed in. thank God i am on course and not typing some policy paper which would need every inch of my functioning brain.

i think i am not myself today. i am not well.

go home and rest, i shall.