Thursday, February 28, 2008

our parents

This week, two of my friends’ mum passed away within a span of three days. One, I had the chance to visit and witness the enshrouding of kain kapan.

I was reminded of my parents whom have given me and my siblings (and now, their grandchildren) so much – bersengkang mata and berikat perut to bring us up, even to pawn some of my mum’s jewellery when they couldn’t make ends meet -and the immense love, joy and stability they’ve institutionalised in the family (they don’t believe in corporal punishment so, creative methods of tying the brothers at different pillars of the kampong house was engaged instead)

They are in their sixties now. My dad is no longer as stoic as I remembered him to be when I was growing up. My mum, with her osteoarthritis cannot move about easily. Both are frail. But both still cannot help but be self-sacrificial. Just mention that you want to eat your favourite food and it’d be whipped up almost instantly, despite their aching legs and tired limbs.

Yet. In the busy – ness of my life at work and the irony of being active on various dakwah platforms, I often forget. I often forget that they too need our love and attention.

I need to

Spend more time at home.
Try to fulfil their needs and wants. (if not now, when else)
To always keep them in my prayers.
And to continue to do good.

It is not only our salvation we are after, but theirs as well. We all want to go to heaven together, don’t we?

May Allah have mercy on me and my loved ones in life and in death, in this world and the hereafter.
* * * * *

Rabbighfirli wali walidayya warhamhuma kamaa rabbayani saghirah...

Ya Allah Ya Tuhan kami kami, Ampun kanlah dosa kami
Ampunkanlah dosa kedua orang tua kami
Peliharalah mereka, (sayangilah mereka, rahmatilah mereka, jagalah mereka)
sepertimana mereka telah memelihara kami (menyayangi kami, mengasihani
kami) sewaktu kami kecil


dew embun said...

You know...I sometimes crave for the weirdest of things at the worst of times and only my parents would go the extra mile to ensure I get that thing I crave.
Sometimes, I wonder if my future spouse would love me that much...

Anonymous said...

berusahalah kita menyenangkan mereka dunia akhirat..