Friday, August 17, 2007

work - home

is it normal?

to think of going home while on the way to work?


madame blossom said...

not very.. but ok i guess..

i know of someone who looks forward to friday, on a monday morning.

marlina said...

eh? like me now. it is monday morning and am wishing that it is the weekend tomorrow.

i think it has something to do with my state of work now.

Anonymous said...

muahahah! baru nak go work, dah fikir nak balik .. cute!


hAiRiL/spiderman_pink said...

haha. who eat chilli taste hot-hot tau :p

btw, its perfectly fine marl. but i have to warn you that those are signs for marriage. lol

marlina said...

to want to go home when on the way to work is a sign of marriage???

ye ke???

Sahalfikri said...

itu ok lagi.. me, baru nak wat keje, terfikir nak resign.. hehe :)

Jussaemon said...

OMG!! i almost burst out laughing reading the last comment!